( Graphic designer from Gothenburg, Sweden. I love space, dogs, pop-culture and beautiful things. Currently working with interface design at Lynk & Co Design, and spinning that with freelance work too! On my spare time i co-run a food club at Sjömagasinet, called Huggorm!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would love to chat! X Emma. )
Selection of various work done private, freelance, other clients, & at my former job(live reklambyrå.). Enjoy!

Product photography: Lessebo Paper; Role: Direct, shoot, develope & finalize. See slideshow below.
Joolgroup.com // Fiskekrogen.se // le-comptoir.com // Cytacoat.se // Joolinvest.se // marcusberggren.se // Refima.se // weknownothingaboutmusic.com // hoganordrekords.com etc.. (1-5 made while working at former job)

Email: emmalouisedwards@gmail.com
and/or contact me here!